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About Us
Welcome to Curls Poppin’!
Curls Poppin’ is the only company that has the curly hair tools to compliment your curly hair products! Do you want to have healthy natural hair? Curls Poppin’ is a curly hair product company with the most important tools you need to maintain natural curly hair! We know that most people don’t know exactly what hair type they have, let alone how to take care of it, so we have combined the knowledge and tools you need to tame your mane and protect your precious locks.
It is important to be able to identify your curl pattern (or patterns) so you know where to start when it comes to purchasing tools to help you take care of your hair. It’s a lot to think about, so we have plenty of information to get you started.
There are 10 hair types and you can use the below chart to identify which one(s) you have. Many people grow two or more hair types in different sections of their head.

When it comes time to face the aisle of gels, creams, gel-creams, and custards, it can be quite intimidating to some people. There are smoothing creams, but will that create smooth curls or leave them flat and heavy? Texturizers, but are those for handling the curls you already have or for livening up straight hair? The questions are endless. There are answers though, and many hairstylists say the answers come when you do the research to understand your specific curl type.
While it can seem intimidating at first it really helps when you trust the hair classification system. The number refers to curl families, with the letter, from "a" to "c," points to how tightly wound your curls are within that. Curl type 1 is pretty much the absence of curls—in other words, straight. Type 2 means waves, while 3s are spiraled curls, and 4s are kinks and coils.
Why Knowing Your Type Matters
While your curl type is usually obvious from looking in the mirror, learning it makes a big difference. Curl types are a good blueprint for figuring out your routine, so if you have protuberant curls, you can avoid wasting time with too-weak products. Or vice versa, if you've got fine waves, you can avoid the products that weigh them down.
Also, because most products are not classified by the numerical system above, knowing your type helps you to hone in on key words when you are perusing the hair care aisle. Many people wonder what hair texture they have and want to know how to enhance it. If people first learn what their hair texture is then they can understand what products they need to enhance it.
A leave-in product and a curl definer make up the standard routine; however, there are more factors to finding your best curl. You need tools! And Curls Poppin’ has them.
The system thought up by the curly community works pretty well—but as with everything, the better you can know your hair, the easier it will be to pick your products.
What Else Do You Need to Understand to Get Your Curls Poppin’?
Porosity - The quality of being porous, or full of tiny holes. Liquids go right through things that have porosity. Go back far enough and you'll find that porosity stems from the Greek word poros for "pore," which means “passage.” So something with porosity allows things to pass through. It is an important factor in narrowing down the products that will enhance your curls' shape. The term refers to how easily your hair sucks up liquids, i.e., why your hair can take a long time to dry. If you have no idea where you stand in the porosity scales, a simply “porosity test” can help you.
Method #1: The Float Test
1. Fill a glass or bowl with room temperature water.
2. Take a couple strands of your clean hair and put them in the water. Clean hair is important. If you have oils or products on your hair, it will alter your results.
3. Watch it for 2-4 minutes. If your hair sinks immediately, it has high porosity.
4. If your hair floats, its nonporous and does not easily absorb product, so you need to reach for the heavier creams that will penetrate the follicle and eventually be absorbed by your hair.
5. If it sinks, your hair takes in product easily. You should look for a lighter, water-based products.
Elasticity - The hair's elasticity is the measure of how much the hair will stretch (and return to a normal state). Healthy hair, when wet, will stretch up to 50% of its original length and return to its normal shape without breaking, while dry hair will only stretch about 20%. Elasticity is rated as being low, normal, or high.
We suggest stretching a curl out with your fingers—if it barely coils back to where it started, that means it’s lacking elasticity and needs moisture. Avoid reaching for oils to do the job.
We know that oil and water don’t mix, so you can’t apply anything oily to wet hair. If your hair is wet and you’re applying an oil-based product on it, the water will push the oil out, and it'll sit on top of the surface. It’s like trying to shower with a wetsuit, your hair’s not getting any moisture, so it becomes dry and brittle and breaks off. Yeah, not great. Instead, we recommend water-based products. While they may feel lighter and less powerful, you can rest easy knowing they are sinking into your hair instead of just lying on top.
Curl Variance - So what happens if you have two curl types on your one head? Don't stress, because it is very common. Most people's curls fall somewhere between types or they have multiple patterns. We suggest just using more product in the stronger-curl sections.

Meet the Founder
Meet Ashley Head. He is a real-life scientist who developed the Curls Poppin' products.
He is originally from Dayton, OH where he always had a passion for science. He attended Morehouse College and graduated with a Bachelor's of Science degree in chemistry.
He went on to thrive in a professional career in Clinical Research.